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On May 17, 2025, World Vision’s Global 6K for Water will unite people around the world to walk, run, or roll for the same cause. That cause is water—why water?

• 6K (3.72 mi) is the average distance women and children in vulnerable communities have to walk for water.

• The lack of clean water is the #1 preventable cause of death in the world.

• Clean water, sanitation, and hygiene protect kids and their families from disease.

• About 800 children under the age of 5 die every day from unsafe drinking water.

But we can change that, right here in St. Paul Park! When you register for the Global 6K for Water, your registration fee provides lasting clean water to one child in a vulnerable community. Will you join us on May 17 to help end the water crisis? Visit our registration page for more information!